Friday, March 25, 2011

5 Tips to Overcome Morning Stiffness

Do you find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning, because of too much pain? Does it take you an hour or two for your body to warm up and your joints and muscles to loosen before you can tackle the tasks of the day? You are not alone.

According to the American College of Rheumatology, Fibromyalgia affects 3 to 6 million Americans. That's 1 in 50 Americans, with seven times more the frequency in women than in men.
Morning stiffness is one of the more common complaints doctors hear about from patients.

Don't let morning stiffness cut your day short, by starting it later... And while most people reach for muscle relaxants like Motrin and pain relievers like Aleve to get them going, you don't need to.

The basic causes of morning stiffness are lack of daily physical activity, being overweight, having a poor diet, not sleeping properly, and being in an environment that tends to be cold and/or damp.

Exercising on a daily basis (even walking while swinging your arms) is a great way to release those feel-good endorphins, get the blood moving and help clear nasty toxins from the body.

A poor diet that is high in simple carbohydrates causes weak muscles and bad posture.
Being overweight causes you to carrying unnecessary poundage, which puts strain on your joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments.
Living or working in cold or damp environment causes muscles to stiffen because the cold or damp affects the blood flow throughout the body.

You can be happy to know that what is causing your morning stiffness can be avoided or corrected...

Here are 5 easy things you can do to make a big difference in your life.

1. Be sure to get ample deep sleep, so your body can repair and recharge. Also, be sure to sleep either on your side or on your back—as stomach sleeping causes unnecessary stress on the low back and spine.

2. Do some easy stretches while lying in bed, then sitting up in bed—such as bending to the front and sides. This will stretch and loosen the muscles and help flush them with more blood.

3. Drink the best water you can get. Often the tap water in our cities is not the freshest or safest. Even big cities  have traces of   estrogenic-like compounds in its tap water—and these toxins build up in our systems over time, causing pain. It is advisable to drink either bottled water.

4. Take a hot shower. This serves as a means to induce sweating, promote blood circulation and release muscle spasms. Simply stand under the hot water and... relax.

5. Get some regular exercise. The idea is to go out and do some something physical with your body. Even a simple routine of 10000 steps a day (buy a pedometer!) will greatly improve your health!

These simple tips followed with a little dedication, along with some minor lifestyle changes and changes to the living environment, can help you overcome morning stiffness in no time.

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