Monday, December 26, 2011

3 Common Back Pain Questions Answered


Millions of people struggle with back pain and fail to get lasting relief and the primary reason is a lack of knowledge and understanding about back pain. So the purpose of this article is to educate and inform anyone suffering from back pain by answering these common questions and by giving specific recommendations and actions to take.

Question #1 - Is my excess weight causing my back pain?


While excess body weight is a factor, it by itself typically isn't enough to create a condition that would cause back pain. Excess body weight in the form of excess body fat can worsen a pre-existing condition and can also make recover more difficult.

Also, it's important to understand that if you are overweight it's very likely that your muscles are out of balance. When your muscles are out of balance, it forces your body to function and move in an unbalanced way and this places uneven pressure, strain and wear tear on your body. And it's this process that is responsible for creating any conditions or physical dysfunctions that are causing the pain. Unfortunately, most people aren't even aware when this is happening with their body. 

Action to take:
Don't worry so much about your weight right now. First focus on eliminating your back pain by identify the muscle imbalances that are throwing your body out of balance and work on improving and correcting them. Then, once your back is feeling better you can focus more on losing weight. 

Question #2 - I've tried everything but nothing has worked, what should I do?


First off, while it may seem like you've exhausted every possible treatment, it's not likely that you've tried everything. So unless you've given up and plan on living the rest of your life in pain, you need to make the decision to be open-minded and continue to identify and experiment with other available treatment options. But, before you try any other treatments, it's important that you understand why what you've already tried hasn't worked.

The reason nearly all back pain treatments fail to deliver long-term relief is because they treat just the symptoms and fail to address the actual, underlying cause. For example, let's talk about back surgery. While removing a piece of a herniated disc may, if you're lucky, reduce or eliminate your pain, the fact is it didn't deal with what caused the disc to herniate in the first place.

In fact, a study published in the June 2004 issue of Spine, an international journal for the study of the spine, found that 40% of people who underwent back surgery had no decrease in their pain even though their doctor/surgeon had assured them of the results.

So in order for you to get long-term, lasting relief you need to identify and address the underlying cause of your pain.

Action to take:

Identify the underlying cause of your pain by identifying the muscle imbalances that are creating your physical dysfunctions and conditions. Make sure any treatment you are given or perform addresses both the symptoms (condition and pain) and the cause (muscle imbalances and dysfunctions).

Question #3 - My doctor told me not to exercise, what should I do?


Find a new doctor. Too many research studies have shown that people with back pain who avoid exercise and activity, end up suffering longer and have a more difficult time getting relief.

While you may need to rest for a few days initially to let things settle down, after that you will get better results by staying active because by continuing to move you keep your blood circulating and your muscle active, which will prevent them from getting weaker.
But that's not enough.

Even though staying active may help; it's not enough to get rid of the underlying cause of the pain. In order to do that, you must identify and address your imbalances and dysfunctions.

And the generic exercises that almost every back pain sufferer receives from their healthcare professional, may or may not help it can even worsen the condition. And the reason is, these exercises do not address the specific muscle imbalances and dysfunctions that are responsible for their pain.

Action to take:

If your doctor or healthcare professional hasn't taken the time to educate about the effect of muscle imbalances and importance of performing targeted and specific, corrective exercises and stretches, it's time to look elsewhere


If you're a back pain sufferer, you well know that these are just a few of the many questions that you may have. The fastest way for you to get lasting relief from back pain is to become an expert on it and your body and you do that be educating yourself
I strongly encourage you to learn as much as you can about back pain, how it develops and the various treatment options that are available. And lastly, stay focused and don't give up.


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Do you have Back Pain on your Left or Right side?

Back pain on the Right or Left side of your body, is a somewhat vague description and is not a diagnosis of your condition. It is highly recommended that you get a proper diagnosis of your back pain in order to know what course of treatments you will need to undergo.

 There are two considerations you need to know about when you are getting evaluated, the first is the diagnosis proper and then you should also have the medical professional give you the physical reason why you have the condition that you do.

Getting a MRI or X-Ray of your back can give you your diagnosis but it can not tell you why you have the condition.

In the absence of trauma, there are many different physical variables that can contribute to your back pain being on the right or left side of your body. How your stand, how your carry heavy objects, which foot is dominate, which leg is stronger, which side of your body is tighter and the list can go on. The common theme is, how far out of balance are you and which side of your body is tighter and stronger then the other.

Let me give you an example of how being in balance can help you, imagine your body is perfect, it's in balance with it self, it's in harmony with its self and does not have pain of any kind, that is a reach for some, I know but follow me for a minute.

Now, If a body begins fall out of balance and out of harmony with its self, that body has begun the process of degenerative changes and the degenerative changes lead to pain and depending on where the imbalances are will determine if your back pain is on the left or the right side of your body.

In order to control degenerative change you need to identify your imbalances and then work backwards to minimize the effects on the body.

So if you and your health care professional can take the diagnosis and then look at the physical reason why you have your condition you will be on your way to relief of your back pain regardless if its on the right or left side of your body.

If you would like more information on how to look for the physical reasons of your chronic back pain please read the article on Muscle Balance Therapy™ it this article we describe why traditional treatments fail and what you need to know in order to get lasting relief.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Top 8 Pain-Fighting Agents For Getting Rid Of Sore... Achy... Worn-Out... Painful Muscles And Joints!



Menthol increases blood flow and circulation to the area it's applied which helps eliminate waste in the blood and speeds healing.

Although it works so wonderfully well... most pain relief creams add huge amounts which cause it to burn your skin, fingers and eyes and make you smell to high heaven!

And unlike other pain relieving creams such as Bengay and Icy Hot, the menthol in our pain relief cream has been "titrated" (e.g. energized to produce 2x the effectiveness)


Ignatia has been used by Chinese doctors for centuries to help calm the nerves and relieve pain due to emotional upset.

Ever notice how tight and sore your muscles get around the time when you're stressed?

This happens because as your mind gets more stressed... your muscles tighten up and it restricts blood flow.

... and increases pain!

By helping to relax the muscles and nerves you'll experience more blood flow which releases the pressure pushing down on the nerves... which gives you more mobility in your joints and muscles and less pain!


Naja quickly and effectively reduces pain by heading straight to the pain-center of your body... your nerves!

Like a bucket of water covering a roaring forest fire to smother the inflammation... Naja works within your nerves to heal and soothe your pain.


Phosphorous assists in the contraction of muscles, the functioning of kidneys and maintaining the regularity of the heartbeat.

... which therefore helps reduce the agonizing burning sensation you feel in your muscles by regulating the nerves which are sending the "pain" message to your brain!

I don't know about you, but I've experienced burning sensations within my muscles in the past and it's no laughing matter!

Rhus Tox

Ever undergo a surgical procedure such as getting your tonsils removed, having an appendectomy (removing your appendix) or any procedure at the dentist?

If so... Rhus Tox was most likely one of the ingredients which helped you get through the terrible pain and recover faster!

Rhus Tox has been used for over 200 years for complaints such as sprains... arthritic pain... backaches... stiffness in the joints... rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis... osteoarthritis... cramps... and even restless leg syndrome!

Lachesis Mutus

The most important effect of Lachesis mutus is its blood-thinning, or anticoagulant, function.

This action enhances blood flow and facilitates the healing process by hastening the removal of toxins from the blood.

By improving blood flow it also removes your toxins which reduces the pain-causing swelling in your joints.


MSM is included in every joint medication for a reason.


MSM delivers vital sulphur to your connective tissue to form health bonds in your cells and joints for faster healing and pain relief.

Research reported in The Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine found that in a recent study, MSM resulted in an 80% reduction in pain when compared to the placebo group.

MSM has been proven many times over to be a very effective and completely safe pain reliever.


Before the Middle Ages, Belladonna was taken as an anesthetic for surgery.

That's how powerful it is!

Today it's used in many cough syrups to take away the pain in your throat... as well as alleviating the symptoms of intestinal inflammation, menstrual cycles, and is even being used in the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease

If You Hate How Icy Hot & Bengay BURN Your Skin… Or Make Your Fingers STINK To High Heaven… You'll LOVE THIS!

I don't know about you, but when I USED to use the "typical" pain relief creams such as Icy Hot and Bengay... I despised the way it made my fingers smell and my skin burn.

Stop burning your fingers and skinand try Rub On Relief today!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Eliminate Back Pain Quickly: Go for Drug-Free Pain Relief

Eliminate Back Pain Quickly: Go for Drug-Free Pain Relief: "Chronic pain is persistent, long-lasting discomfort that doesn't resolve itself or respond to routine pain-relief methods.Today mor..."

Go for Drug-Free Pain Relief

Chronic pain is persistent, long-lasting discomfort that doesn't resolve itself or respond to routine pain-relief methods.Today more than 150 million Americans suffer chronic pain. This amounts to a whopping 100% increase in just a dozen years! How is it possible, with our modern  medicine, that people are suffering more, not less? When it comes to pain relief, most people turn first to their medicine cabinet and have more than one pain reliever on hand to choose from.


While acetaminophen (Tylenol) offers temporary pain relief and fever reduction, it does not reduce swelling (inflammation). It can be harmful to the liver and kidney if you take more than the recommended dose.

Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

Yes, NSAID's work fast to relieve acute pain, but they may cause gastrointestinal bleeding. They may also be harmful if you have high blood pressure or kidney disease. And they should NEVER be given to children. Aspirin has been associated with a disease called Reye's syndrome in children.

Narcotics Painkillers

This type of prescription drugs is powerful, but abuse and addition are serious side effects. An estimated 20 percent of people in the United States have used prescription drugs for non-medical reasons. The problem is serious and it is growing. The availability of drugs is probably one reason. Doctors are prescribing more drugs for more health problems than ever before.

If you are still in pain from a recent injury, or are suffering chronic pain, then you know the Golden Rule of Pain: Drugs don't fix the problem, they only mask the symptoms. And pain is a symptom, not the problem. Pain relief medications should only be used temporarily, if needed. The more natural and preventive approach is to understand the pain problem, and take proactive approaches to relieving pain and preventing new pain.

 Relief Is In Lifestyle Choices

Relax more often to lower stress levels

Find  time for yourself throughout the day to focus on your breathing and clear the clutter from your mind; learn to stay focused on the most important tasks in your life.


Get better sleep

7 to 9 hours of sleep is a must for optimal health; getting a good night's sleep is key to controlling systemic inflammation.

Maintain a healthy weight

There is no question that eating healthy is not easy nowadays, whether you're at home or at a restaurant. But at the very least, you must try to decrease your intake of sugars and hydrogenated oils and increase your daily intake of fiber. Ideally, you should be consuming 35 grams of fiber.

Manual therapies aid relief

Manual therapies, such as massage, chiropractic and other forms of bodywork do wonders for keeping the body supple, stretched, relaxed, and pain free. The removal or diminishing of trigger points and spasms and the increase in blood flow which brings nutrients and oxygen to painful areas... is like a wonder drug in itself.

Use natural Homeopathic remedies

When on-going pain relief is sought—as in chronic condition and immediate acute trauma—we recommend turning to natural Homeopathic products for help. Systemic proteolytic enzymes, such as found in the formulas Heal-N-Soothe and Rub-On-Relief, offer methods of removing metabolic waste from blood and tissue while bringing fresh blood, oxygen and nutrients to help healing—without the synthetic drug side-effects.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Should You Use Ice or Heat to Treat Back Pain?

Ice or heat? Heat or ice? That's probably the most common question asked about treating back pain. The best way to answer it, I have found, is to explain exactly what ice and heat do and why they help relieve pain. Once you understand the mechanism behind these treatments, you'll be more likely to use them when your own back pain flares up.

The Pain-Spasm Cycle

Let's  say you have sciatica. Your  muscle goes into spasm. Your body reacts to this "injury" by sending more white blood cells to the injury site to fight the problem. That means fewer red blood cells go there, which means the injured area is getting less oxygen and nutrients, and waste products aren't being carried away.

It may also put the muscle into a pain-spasm cycle. The injury triggers nerves to send signals to the brain, which interprets it as pain. This pain tells the brain to send a signal back to the injured area, which contracts the muscles to close off blood supply to prevent swelling. But this lack of blood supply actually leads to more pain, more swelling and more spasms.

  The initial spasm causes pain and swelling, which leads to more injury and further spasms. More pain, more spasms, more pain, more spasms—a vicious cycle. Without treatment, this cycle can last for years. The only way to begin healing the muscle is to break this cycle. That's where ice and heat come into play.

Which is Best

If both heat and ice do the same thing, which is better to treat back pain? There are really no hard and fast rules, but I typically have my patients do the following:

1. When an injury first occurs, use ice first. This is true whether the injury is acute (caused by some trauma like lifting something heavy or sitting too long) . It's also important to use ice fast. You need to get ice to the injury within 5 minutes to get the best effect. If you're not at home and don't have ice handy, buy a bag of ice. Begin treatment immediately. Apply ice for the first 48-72 hours. Use it for 20 minutes, then take it off for 20. Repeat as often as you can.

2. After 48-72 hours, when you feel the swelling has gown down and the pain-spasm cycle is broken, you can begin stretching the injured muscle with the appropriate exercises. At this point, choosing ice or heat is really up to you. Most people like heat before they exercise and ice after. Either way, you're getting red blood cells to the area to promote healthy healing.

3. For a really advanced treatment plan, I recommend a contrast bath. Try 20 minutes of heat followed immediately by 20 minutes of ice. Repeat three times. The contrast really shocks the body and gets it out of the pain-spasm cycle.

What to use and how to apply

Let's start with ice. The best application of ice I have found is to use a Zip-loc bag with crushed ice in a bit of water, Remove all of the air from the bag and then zip it closed. It is best to also put a wet paper towel on your skin over the affected area, then apply the ice bag.

To further improve the effectiveness of ice, first rest the area, then use a wrap over the ice pack to improve the contact with the skin and to compress the area to minimize the swelling. If the area can be elevated, please try to elevate it to allow the area to drain at the same time.

Now with heat. There are heating lamps, heating pads, hot tubs, hot showers, pain creams with cayenne pepper and even ultrasound, which is a form of heat..
I know what you are going to ask which works the best. Personally, I love the hot tub. Unfortunately I do not own one and going to a community hot tub is like taking a dip in a cesspool.
As technology advances and becomes cheaper for the masses, far-infrared heat is by far at the top of my list now. Far-infrared heat transforms safe light energy into safe heat energy, at a frequency that penetrates the body up to three inches with an even distribution and prolonged thermal effects.

Remember that heat and ice are not the solution to long-term pain relief. They are the paths to the solution. The goal of both ice and heat is to break the pain-spasm cycle and allow you to do the stretching exercises that build muscle strength and flexibility. That's what brings prolonged pain relief. And that's the ultimate goal.

For more information Click Here

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Eliminate Back Pain Quickly: Laugh Your Way to Pain Relief

Eliminate Back Pain Quickly: Laugh Your Way to Pain Relief: "A man rushed into a veterinarian's office carrying his limp, lifeless dog. The vet examined the animal and told the man the dog was dead. ..."

Laugh Your Way to Pain Relief

A man rushed into a veterinarian's office carrying his limp, lifeless dog. The vet examined the animal and told the man the dog was dead. The man asked if there was any way the doctor could revive the dog. The doctor left the room and returned with a cat, who sniffed the dog from head to tail then looked up at the vet and meowed.

"Sorry," said the doctor. "There's nothing I can do."
"Thanks for trying," said the man with a sigh. "How much do I owe you?"
"Three hundred and fifty dollars," replied the doctor.
"Three hundred and fifty dollars! Just to tell me my dog is dead?"

"Well," said the doctor, "it was $50 for the office visit. The other $300 is for the CAT scan."

Whether the above joke made you laugh or groan, it lightened your mood. And if you had been in pain, many scientists agree, it would have eased the hurt - at least temporarily.

How does laughter reduce pain?

Clinical staff consistently note that the primary benefit of humor therapy is that it serves as a diversionary tactic - that is, it takes a patient's mind off the pain.

Laughing, in fact, has been shown to increase the body's natural killer cells and T-cells, which are types of cells that attack foreign material in our bodies. Laughter also keeps away negative emotions such as anxiety and depression, which tend to weaken the immune system.

If you keep the Huh Huh Huh - going for long periods of time and increase the number of times you do it while at the same time shrugging your upper body you will keep the oxygen flowing to the cells that need it and you will be giving what you body need to begin to reduce your pain and speed healing.

A study published in the Journal of Holistic Nursing reported that patients who were told one-liners after surgery and before painful medication was administered perceived less pain when compared to patients who didn't get a dose of humor as part of their therapy.

Another study, this one published in the Journal of Applied Behavioral Analysis, found that young girls with burns who were shown cartoons during very painful hydrotherapy said they felt less pain than similar patients who were not exposed to cartoons during the same procedure.

A second theory of how laughter helps relieve pain is that it triggers the release of endorphins, the chemicals in the brain that can make us feel good.

So, whether you prefer Dirty jokes, Redneck jokes or Funny Photos the Internet has provide us with an unlimited number of resources not to mention the ton of emails that you get from your friends that they think are funny and they just have to send to you for some reason thinking that you have the time to read it and that you have nothing else to do. Maybe just read one a week and see how you feel.

If you do read a joke or see a funny photo and it does put a smile on your face learn to keep that smile going longer and feel how good you feel when you keep your head up and a smile on your face.

Life will always be full of challenges but we should always be driven to seek those thing that give us Joy and Peace, so if a joke can give you 30 seconds of joy, read a joke and keep smiling.



Wednesday, April 13, 2011

4 Pain-Busting Ingredients You NEED To Know About...

Let's face it.

Pain is 1 thing in our lives we ALL want to get rid of forever. Unfortunately, with every passing year... it seems to consume our lives more often – and with more intensity.

Therefore it makes sense that we should be looking for ways to prevent and eliminate it... right?

Today I'd like to share with you 4 of my top “pain-busting” ingredients you need to be taking advantage of in order to banish virtually ANY pain you experience into the abyss... forever.

Pain-Busting Ingredient #1: Cetyl Myristoleate   
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Cetyl Myristoleate is a little-known “powerhouse” formula that is backed up by
some impressive studies and undeniable proof.

In fact... in a study conducted by the University of Connecticut, they found
that it delivered long-lasting relief to 100% of participants in the study.

That means every... single... person... found the relief they were searching for.

How is that possible?

When applied to the body, it has the unique ability to apply continuous
lubrication, cushions the joints from everyday wear-n-tear, as well as actually
repairs the damaged cell membranes by increasing cell membrane fluidity
and elasticity.

In layman's terms... it gives you fast, immediate relief by cushioning and
lubricating your joints... and long-term relief by repairing the damage that
is causing your pain.

Hence the reason every single person who uses it... finds relief.

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Pain-Busting Ingredient #2: Ignatia  
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Ignatia is another little-known substance which many experts refer to as a “NATURAL non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug”.

It's has been used by Chinese doctors for centuries to help calm the nerves and relieve pain due to emotional upset.

Ever notice how tight and sore your muscles get around the time when you're stressed?
This happens because as your mind gets more stressed... your muscles tighten up and it restricts blood flow.
... and increases pain!
By relaxing the muscles and nerves you'll experience more blood flow which releases the pressure pushing down on the nerves... which gives you more mobility in your joints and muscles and less pain!

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Pain-Busting Ingredient #3: MSM 
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This well-studied and continually proven pain-reliever is quickly becoming a “legend” for relieving joint pain (including back pain) safely and naturally.

In a study reported in “The Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine”... researchers found that people taking MSM enjoyed an 80% reduction in pain when compared to the placebo group.

Pretty impressive... to say the least!

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Pain-Busting Ingredient #4: Menthol   
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Menthol is known for quickly and naturally reducing pain by increasing the blood flow and circulation to the area it's applied which helps eliminate waste in the blood and speeds healing.

It's also proven to reduce, minimize and prevent muscle spasms and cramping... which is a godsend to anyone who experiences them on a regular basis!

Here's the problem.

If you were to buy these separately... not only would it cost a kings ransom... you'd also need to understand how to use each individual substance for maximum effectiveness.

Thankfully, Jesse Cannone... founder of “The Health Back Institute” and legend in the back-pain industry... has come up with something that's both incredibly affordable – and super easy to use.

The answer... is “Rub On Relief”.

Rub on Relief is a specialized pain-relieving formula Jesse personally created to allow people to bypass the harmful drugs found in anti-inflammatory drugs and most topical pain relief creams.

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Rub It On And Watch Your Pain Dissolve!  
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Rub On Relief is so easy to use, it's borderline ridiculous.

You simply massage “Rub On Relief” into your skin... and watch as your pain literally dissolves into nothing over the next few minutes.

That's it!

And because of the unique proprietary formula Jesse put together... you'll never have to deal with that lingering “menthol” smell on your fingers or the burning sensation you feel for hours on end like you do with over the counter pain-relief formulas such as Icy Hot (which, by the way... does NOT provide long-term relief... only short-term by numbing the pain).

(If you've used Icy Hot or something similar in the past... and have eye contacts... I'm sure you know what I'm talking about)

Even better... Jesse has made a special offer for you if you invest in Rub On Relief today.

If you'll take action and invest in Rub On Relief today, he'll reward you for being a “go-getter”... by giving you 50% off!

Remember... every ingredient in Rub On Relief has been medically proven to reduce pain quickly... as well as in the long-term. In fact, on the next page you'll see that he references 81 different studies – all proving the powerful effectiveness of the ingredients used to create Rub On Relief.

This truly is the easiest way to literally rub out pain relief I've ever seen...

Wishing you a pain free life.

P.S. Remember... invest in a bottle of Rub On Relief today and you'll receive a full 50% off his regular price... which comes out to about what you'd pay for just 2 weeks worth of coffee or tea!

Friday, March 25, 2011

5 Tips to Overcome Morning Stiffness

Do you find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning, because of too much pain? Does it take you an hour or two for your body to warm up and your joints and muscles to loosen before you can tackle the tasks of the day? You are not alone.

According to the American College of Rheumatology, Fibromyalgia affects 3 to 6 million Americans. That's 1 in 50 Americans, with seven times more the frequency in women than in men.
Morning stiffness is one of the more common complaints doctors hear about from patients.

Don't let morning stiffness cut your day short, by starting it later... And while most people reach for muscle relaxants like Motrin and pain relievers like Aleve to get them going, you don't need to.

The basic causes of morning stiffness are lack of daily physical activity, being overweight, having a poor diet, not sleeping properly, and being in an environment that tends to be cold and/or damp.

Exercising on a daily basis (even walking while swinging your arms) is a great way to release those feel-good endorphins, get the blood moving and help clear nasty toxins from the body.

A poor diet that is high in simple carbohydrates causes weak muscles and bad posture.
Being overweight causes you to carrying unnecessary poundage, which puts strain on your joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments.
Living or working in cold or damp environment causes muscles to stiffen because the cold or damp affects the blood flow throughout the body.

You can be happy to know that what is causing your morning stiffness can be avoided or corrected...

Here are 5 easy things you can do to make a big difference in your life.

1. Be sure to get ample deep sleep, so your body can repair and recharge. Also, be sure to sleep either on your side or on your back—as stomach sleeping causes unnecessary stress on the low back and spine.

2. Do some easy stretches while lying in bed, then sitting up in bed—such as bending to the front and sides. This will stretch and loosen the muscles and help flush them with more blood.

3. Drink the best water you can get. Often the tap water in our cities is not the freshest or safest. Even big cities  have traces of   estrogenic-like compounds in its tap water—and these toxins build up in our systems over time, causing pain. It is advisable to drink either bottled water.

4. Take a hot shower. This serves as a means to induce sweating, promote blood circulation and release muscle spasms. Simply stand under the hot water and... relax.

5. Get some regular exercise. The idea is to go out and do some something physical with your body. Even a simple routine of 10000 steps a day (buy a pedometer!) will greatly improve your health!

These simple tips followed with a little dedication, along with some minor lifestyle changes and changes to the living environment, can help you overcome morning stiffness in no time.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Ugly Truth About Back Pain

Here’s a little-known fact.  The real cause of the pain is almost always overlooked.    Most doctors only treat the symptoms. They use "band-aid" treatments like:

•    Cortisone shots
•    Dangerous drugs
•    Physical therapy
•    Surgery
•    Chiropractic manipulation

These may work. When they do, it’s almost never long-term.
It’s not until you treat the “hidden” underlying causes that you get lasting pain relief. Back pain is almost
always caused by muscle imbalances which are a result of hip-dysfunctions.

What are “hip-dysfunctions”? In short, they’re the combination of tight and loose muscles in your upper legs
buttocks and hips that pull your pelvis and spine out of their natural alignment over the years.
This makes your back muscles work against the grain so they get hurt … it puts pressure on your spine,     discs and nerves and causes all kinds of back, neck, sciatic related pain.

The good news is, it’s VERY FIXABLE – without expensive and never-ending trips to a chiropractor,     without dangerous prescription drugs and without surgery.

Fixing the imbalances causing these dysfunctions returns your body to the natural, balance structure it was when you were young and didn’t have back-pain
Medical doctors and Chiropractors are finally catching on and using this method as a treatment with their back pain patients. The results are nothing short of impressive.

In this new book “The 7 Day Back Pain Cure” they do what no one else in the medical community does, and that is put together all of the pieces... see, most people when they have back pain usually get treatments that only mask the pain... and even then, the treatments only address the physical symptoms...
In this new book, it shows you:

•    Why traditional treatments always FAIL to deliver lasting relief
•     The 7 mistakes that most people make that keep them in pain
•    How to identify the real, underlying causes of your pain
•    Which treatments work, which ones don't and how to know which is right for you

So, if you suffer from any type of back pain, I highly recommend you go grab yourself a f.r.e.e. copy of my book now..

Click here to grab a F.R.E.E. copy 

I'm sure you'll find it helpful, especially if you are in pain now.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Eliminate Back Pain Quickly: 5 Simple Steps for Ridding Yourself of Back Pain

Eliminate Back Pain Quickly: 5 Simple Steps for Ridding Yourself of Back Pain: "Millions of people suffer from back pain unnecessarily when there is actually a very simple solution. 'Unfortunately, many people are ..."

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Break the Chronic-Pain Cycle: Walk Your Pain Away!

There are many causes of pain, and many contributors to the ongoing pain-pills-inactivity cycle. Your back hurts, your head is throbbing, your fibromyalgia is aching... so you swallow the meds and sit-out the day. Just like you did yesterday and will do tomorrow. You can't imagine doing otherwise.

This is a vicious cycle that many chronic pain sufferers get caught up in. You hurt, you need to get through your day, so you take what pills you need to mask the pain and "function" in the world. But part of the problem is your lack of exercise.

Believe me when I tell you, I was a chronic pain sufferer for almost 30 years, and I know that even basic chores like cleaning and laundry can be painful, let alone trying to do rigorous physical exercise.

Well, here's the deal. Exercise is necessary to reduce pain. Why? Because it gets everything moving: the heart, the lungs, the muscles and joints. The good news? All you need to do to start feeling relief is to get your body moving for 20 minutes per day. And low-impact walking is enough movement to help stop the pain-pill-inactivity-pain cycle. Here's why...

Walking is an aerobic activity, but since it is low-impact there is little wear-and-tear on the joints and little (if any) triggering of pain from the jarring action of the body—as experienced in high-impact aerobic exercise or jogging. Although it is a simple activity, walking actually utilizes most of the muscles of the body to propel you forward and keep you in balance while increasing respiration, heart and lung function, blood and oxygen flow, and the "burning off" of blood sugars and fats and removal of toxins and other wastes through sweat and improved eliminative functions. All this, of course, causes a vast decrease in... PAIN!

Walking is so simple and "ordinary," yet in one 20-minute session you can raise HDL good cholesterol levels, increase respiration within safe limits, sweat out toxins, release the endorphin feel-good hormone, improve heart function, begin reducing weight, reduce stress, promote relaxation and improve overall endurance and body tone. Amazing!

Many of the triggers that attack your health and cause pain can be reduced or eliminated simply by walking. And this activity only requires time, as no special place need be made to do it—although it is preferable to walk in a park as opposed to a busy city sidewalk.

Click Here To Find Out More Information

Monday, March 7, 2011

3 Simple Exercises for Back Pain

Perhaps you've had a hard day, you had to shovel the walk, dig your car out of the snow, mailed a few heavy packages, are carrying around some extra holiday weight, or had to take your in-laws around town. You're tired, and it feels like your back is about to go out.

To keep your back in supple working order, you can simply do a few exercises that will help loosen you up and restore your posture. You should do these before running to your pain relievers or muscles relaxants. You don't even need a personal trainer or gym membership to do them, and they will prevent a visit to the doctor. A few relaxed sets of these exercises can immediately make you feel better.

These golden exercises include knee bends, waist twists and hip rolls. Doing these three treasures is a great way to get the blood moving, release endorphins and help you detox, all of which keeps the back in shape and pain away.
Since these simple exercises deal with moving the major muscle groups including the core stabilizing muscles, you can do them anytime with varying degrees of difficulty--adjusting as you get more accustomed to doing them.

The exercises promote blood circulation and release muscle tightness and spasms. Done regularly, they will increase your health and fitness levels, helping to tone your body. You will feel warmer and they will even help aid digestion, as the exercises assist the moving action of the intestines to move your bowels to aid detoxing.

Detoxing is important when considering pain, as toxins in the blood and muscles creates inflammation and pain.
Knee BendsExercise 1 — Knee Bends: Do some gentle, relaxed knee bends. If you have knee or back issues it is best to do them with the assistance of a chair, table or desk. Stand in a relaxed shoulder-width position and place your hands on the support. Tighten your stomach muscles and exhale while bending your knees and going down as far as you can without falling or straining your knees. Inhale while standing up. Do 10 of these, and then move onto the next exercise.

Waist TwistExercise 2 — Waist Twists: With your hands relaxed at your sides and with feet a shoulder-width apart, simply start swinging your arms right then left, patting both hands on your lower back as they reach around. This will massage the kidneys. Be sure not to swing or pat too hard, just in a relaxed easy motion! Breathe naturally and relax. Simply do a count of 10, and then relax.

Hip RollsExercise 3 — Hip Rolls: Stand back away from your support and stand with legs at shoulder-width apart. Tighten your abdominal muscles and put your hands on your hips. Imagine you have a hula hoop, or are doing the hula, and rotate your hips clockwise 5 times, then rotate them counter-clockwise 5 times. Be sure to relax and smile and breathe naturally with this exercise.

The complete series of these golden exercises takes about 2 minutes to complete. Initially, try to do the exercises 3 times a day. Take an exercise break, rather than a coffee or cigarette break, and you'll be delighted on how good your low back will feel.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

5 Simple Steps for Ridding Yourself of Back Pain

Millions of people suffer from back pain unnecessarily when there is actually a very simple solution.  "Unfortunately, many people are led to believe that back pain is normal and were all supposed to experience it... well, thankfully, that's not the case. Eliminating back pain is not nearly as difficult as most people think or are led to believe... it can actually be easy!"

I know from expierience working at various jobs that required lots of physical effort, especially using the back. I have hurt my back so many times I even forget how many, and I am sure you have been in the situation and I can relate to your back  pain.

Here's the simple system that MUST be followed if you are looking for real, long-term, lasting relief:
1. Identify the cause - nearly all of the treatments people receive for back pain only focus on the symptoms and the healthcare professionals zoom in on only the problem area. The real key in eliminating back pain is to find out exactly what�s causing the problem... and most of the time it's not even the back!
2. Address both the cause and the symptom - the best approach is a combination of treating the symptoms for pain relief while also addressing the underlying cause.
3. Be aware - many people suffering from back pain are not in tune with their bodies and during their treatment they do not realize what is working and what is not. In order to achieve long-term relief you have to understand how your body works, what's causing the problem, and what changes have to be made to correct it.
4. Consistent Focused Action - achieving success in anything requires consistency and focused action. Most people with back pain won't make the time to work on their problem each day... instead they take pain killers which mask the pain and allow them to cause more damage while they continue with their life.
5. Don't do what doesn't work - we already know that most traditional treatments for back pain don't work.... why waste your time, energy, and money? The real key to eliminating back pain is to identify the true cause of the pain and then address it with a combination of treatments to treat both the cause and symptoms. Over 80% of all back pain is caused by muscle imbalances... NOT a lack of pain killers or surgery! Find out what's going on in your body and take action.

To find out more on how to Eliminate Back  Pain Quickly click on the link to receive my f.r.e.e guide.